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Vast Majority of Millennials Looking Towards Homeownership

Vast Majority of Millennials Looking Towards Homeownership

If you follow pop culture news, you'd think that all millennials are concerned about is SnapChat and avocado toast. But according to a recent report, there's something much more important on millennials' minds these days—and that's buying a home.

According to the 2018 Home Buyer Report from NerdWallet, a whopping 82% of millennials say buying a home is a priority, significantly higher than older generations (which came in at 75% for Gen Xers and only 69% for Baby Boomers). And the reason? 64% say they want to buy a home because it's a good investment—an even better investment than padding their retirement accounts. 56% of millennials surveyed agree with the statement "I would rather have a home I own appreciate in value than have more money in retirement savings".

The Takeaway

If you're a millennial who's looking to purchase a home, you're not alone. And with still-competitive interest rates and new inventory set to flood the market later this year (which will drive down prices), there's never been a better time to start your home search.
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